Wednesday, April 29, 2009

American Idol Top 5 Results: Matt Giraud Penalized for Trying to Sing Like Megan Joy

In the totally overblown intro (sorry, that's like complaining that a cow moos), Ryan Seacrest seems to insinuate that there will be a shocker of a cast-off tonight. That can only mean it's Adam Lambert, because any of the others are expected to go at some point. And finally when the show is actually endorsing a gay winner; in the Ford commercial, a vehicle shoots rainbows. Eek!

Taylor Hicks is in town, as is Natalie Cole. And Jamie Foxx is performing his single "Blame It." But first we get a standards medley from the Top 5, which is well-served by four of them being guys. The group sings actually start to sound better with fewer contestants, which is weird; usually the fewer voices, the more awkward. Guess the lip-synching was a good move.

The Idols ruin a perfectly good kitchen trying to make birthday cakes for Allison and Danny. Their landlords hired a maid service to clean up, bill totaling an infuriating $6,000. Seriously, the Ace of Cakes cake that tab could have bought...

The Verdicts
Ryan recaps the performances individually, dividing the group into two. They are Kris and Matt, and Allison and Danny. Adam has to choose which group he belongs to, and remarkably, Adam actually makes a choice. And he chooses wrong. Adam joins Kris and Matt in the Bottom Three.

Natalie Cole is a fox! Season 5 Idol Taylor Hicks is a country singer? And he stands like he has to pee.

Back to business! Kris Allen is safe.

Jamie Foxx is very lucky someone invented Auto-Tune.

And finally, the shock that is not: Matt Giraud is indeed going home. In his reprise of "My Funny Valentine," he again employs a Megan Joy vocal quality that truly earns him his one-way ticket back to Kalamazoo.

By Sharyn Jackson

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