Thursday, April 23, 2009

John Rich - "Shutting Detroit Down"

I’m becoming increasingly annoyed by the elitist, condescending liberal response to the teabaggers. Yeah, the teabagger protests were a bit incoherent and some of the participants are loonies. It was the same way in the early days of the antiwar movement (some say it still is.) I know, I helped organize antiwar protests back then. The left ignores the very real grievances of the white working class at its peril. One real good way for progressives to start would be by throwing their too-apparent class biases out the window. Then listen to what the working class they claim to want to organize is actually saying.

This John Rich video “They’re Shutting Detroit Down” features Mickey Rourke and Kris Kristofferson. Rich, judging from his website, is right wing. Kristofferson is a long-time leftie. So this isn’t really about traditional politics at all.

“Shutting Detroit Down” has a chance to be one of the most memorable country songs of its time because it’s about a very real issue - our failing economy. People will look back in 10-20 years and remember the song as a reminder of these difficult times.

It’s very critical of Wall Street people who are living it up while “in the real world, they’re shutting Detroit down.” With Detroit, obviously, meaning the American auto industry and workers everywhere.


Now I see all these big shots cryin’ on my evening news
About how they’re losin’ billions and how it’s up to me and you
To come running to the rescue

Well pardon me if I don’t shed a tear ’cause they’re selling make believe
And we don’t buy that here

Cause in the real world they’re shutting Detroit down
While the boss man takes his bonus pay and jets out of town
And DC’s bailing out the bankers as the farmers auction ground
Yeah while they’re living it up on Wall Street in that New York City town
Here in the real world they’re shuttin’ Detroit down.

Well that old man’s been workin’ in that plant most all of his life
Now his pension plan’s been cut in half and he can’t afford to die
And it’s a crying shame ‘cause he ain’t the one to blame
When I look down and see his caloused hands
Let me tell you friend it gets me fightin’ mad

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